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westlake hills eye lash extensions

Can I Get Waterproof Lash Extensions?

Advice from Our westlake hills eye lash extensions studio

The question of whether extensions are waterproof or not is a good one to ask, but don’t take the answer at face value. Yes, eyelash extensions are waterproof, but it doesn’t mean you can drench them all the time and expect to have wonderful eyelashes every time. They will stay waterproof in moderation. It’s like having a waterproof case for you phone. It does protect it against water but that doesn’t mean every time you see water you should test it.

Showers and More

Waterproof eyelashes are made more for use during showers and baths, and for being outside in the rain. They weren’t developed for excessive swimming or sauna usage where perspiration could damage the lashes and weaken the glue.

Know what you are getting first:

Don’t go out on a limb and just buy any eyelash extensions kit at the store. Do some research online or ask friends if they have done extensions before and find out what brands are recommended for eyelashes and glue. Just know the cheaper the kit, the cheaper the product is going to be. Now that may not be the case with all of them, but it is likely to be, so don’t waste money on cheap kits. Like any cosmetic products it is hard to know exactly what you are getting and not every type of glue will be as waterproof as another.

AT our Westlake Hills Eye Lash extensions Studio we use top notch eyelash extensions adhesive, says Elluminize .

If your extensions fall out after a couple showers then you know the glue was not completely waterproof or made of high quality products. Search online for more quality products that have been proven to be waterproof and purchase those. Also, you can go to a cosmetician and ask them to apply your extensions with high quality products.

Just know that when you got to a professional, you will be charged for the service of a profession. If that doesn’t bother you, then so be it, but if you would rather do it yourself and save some money just purchase good products.

If your extensions fall out after a couple showers then you know the glue was not completely waterproof or made of high quality products. Search online for more quality products that have been proven to be waterproof and purchase those. Also, you can go to a cosmetician and ask them to apply your extensions with high quality products.

Just know that when you got to a professional, you will be charged for the service of a profession. If that doesn’t bother you, then so be it, but if you would rather do it yourself and save some money just purchase good products.

Cut down on the water:

One of the most obvious ways to make sure your eyelash extensions stay in good shape is to cut down on how much contact they make with water. This may mean that you need to not go swimming while you have the extensions in, try not to get caught out in rain, and try to reduce the temperature of your shower.

Reduce Temperature 

When you reduce the temperature of you shower, you reduce the amount of steam you produce in your bathroom which cuts down on perspiration which damages the glue you have used. Also, be more careful when you shower to not get water near your eyes. That’s a hard thing to do but it will prevent your eyelash extensions from falling out.

What you should avoid:

You may have friends recommend that you use a waterproof mascara. Don’t listen to them, even if it sounds like a good idea.

Applying a waterproof mascara to your eyelash extensions could be one of the worst things you could do to your extensions. The waterproof mascara includes ingredients that don’t mix well with the glue you have used. The ingredients can actually break down the glue, resulting in your extensions falling off. It is easy to listen to the advice of your friends and take it as truth, but do your own research first before you take what they say as true.

Bite the Bullet:

To get top notch eyelash extensions you may have to pay a higher price, especially if you want them to last, even against water exposure. To pay more for a one time application is better than having to pay for several applications because the products were cheaper. Paying more up front will save you time and money in the future.

To conclude:

Waterproof products may be water preventable but it doesn’t mean you can soak your eyelashes excessively and expect good results. Be careful how much exposure to water you put your eyelashes through. The less they see water, the better, even if they have been guaranteed to be waterproof.

If you want to guarantee high quality lashes, just spend the extra money and have an expert do it, and do it right.


  • Linda

    April 11, 2023

    Thanks and again great information!

  • Martha

    April 14, 2023

    Great write up

  • Sue

    May 24, 2023

    Nice to know

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